Monday, June 15, 2009

Site Flipping Code Manifesto Released Today For Free

Today was the day The Flipping Code Manifesto was released to the public.
I had a chance to read over the entire e book for a little more time than most. If you just downloaded it today then you haven't had a chance to fully absorb all the information it contains.

You see, the way to start is by flipping sites for small profits first and then the more sites you sell for $100- $200, the more experiences you get on how to raise a site’s value and how to make more money from site flipping.

The techniques are so very simple anyone can do this.
If you haven't downloaded Site Flipping Code Manifesto you should do so now. LINK
I honestly can't believe these guys are giving this book away for free. I would charge $97.00 easy.

Remember if you wait until tomorrow you will be one year older.

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